Covering your model with different color tissue

Covering your model with different color tissue by James Packwood



If you don’t want to paint your model and you want to apply a color scheme other than white then using different colored tissue is for you. I have seen some really great looking models that have used different colors for their models color schemes and they looked great especially the military kits like the P-51 Mustang or the Japanese Zero. Not only is it more aesthetically appealing but  it also reduces the amount of weight on the model if you intend on flying it. 

Using different color tissue on your balsa model build

Using different color tissue on your balsa model build

indoor model

Indoor model with multi colored tissue

I have found it difficult searching for sources on the internet and most hobby stores usually carry just the Guillow’s white tissue. Below I have listed the sources that I could find. You could also ask you local hobby shop if they can order it for you.

Happy Building

Tissue Sources

Easy Built Hobbies ( recommended )

Tower Hobbies

Fly 2 Build

Micron Radio Control

Free Flight Models

Sam’s Models