TopFlite Elder 40

Top Flite Elder 40 Build Project

By James Packwood

The Top Flite Elder .40 Size Kit is a pretty good kit to build. You can add or subtract details. You can purchase the 1/6 scale Vickers Gun or add a 1/16 pilot then install the king post and guide wires for detail or you can just leave them off. Totally up to you.

I opted to leave them off but I did build a mount for my Tachyon Ops HD gun cam so I can get in-flight video. Make sure you read the instructions and follow them closely. There is an additional insert concerning the wing mount. The initial instructions have it mounted to the top. But the insert shows that it needs to be mounted lower. This is because it interferes with the ailerons.

You will also need to be generous with your 6-minute epoxy. CA glue does not make a great bond when gluing balsa to the basswood or plywood. Again, read the build instruction. Build time can take you from 3 to 4 weekends depending on the amount of you have to put into the project. Pros • Quality parts. • Clear instructions. •

You can add or subtract all the detail you want. Cons • Make sure you find the addendum to the instructions for the wing mounting plate and follow it. • Make sure you follow the gluing instructions. For a kit this is an exceptional build. It was time-consuming for me since I was documenting the process but if you’re focused like a laser, you should have it done quickly and ready for the field.

Happy Building